Saturday, April 27, 2013

Trans* GIFs from Facebook

The following is a collection of GIFs and memes that have come across Facebook from a variety of sources, often duplicated and repeated, in the last year.  I don't know who the source is for any one GIF or meme because I've seen each so many times and on so many different pages.  It is a VERY good thing that these images are practically untraceable in their origins; that means that Trans* issues and Trans* rights are becoming more and more visible and the public space of Facebook is helping spread the word and give voice to a traditionally marginalized population.

This GIF represents how and why some of use use the term Trans* to represent our identity.

This GIF represents the fluidity of gender.

This meme is part of the Wipe Out Transphobia campaign and emphasizes the word "NO" while doubling as a Facebook cover photo.

This is part of the marriage equality "Red Out" that occurred in April of 2013 when the Supreme Court voted on DOMA and Prop 8.  Rather than white equal signs, the Trans* pride flags fill their spots.

Another part of the Wipe Out Transphobia campaign.

A Trans* pride symbol based on the traditional Mars/Venus Male/Female symbols.

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