Friday, May 17, 2013

Breasts and Bathrooms

I have a cisgender, female friend who is uncomfortable with public bathrooms because she presents in a non-stereotypical manner.  That is, she has a shaved head, a large frame, and is a police officer - so her uniform is masculine.  She has been asked why she's in the women's bathroom on several unpleasant occasions...and she's cisgender and female and going to the female bathroom.

Trans* individuals really have a hard time with choosing a public restroom.  Especially pre- and non- surgical trans* persons.  Think of the MTF who still has a visible adam's apple or the FTM who has to use a Stand-to-Pee prosthetic.

Or, in my case, my breasts are just in the way - even bound.

So where are we supposed to pee when we're in public?

If only the Ally McBeal bathroom from the Cage and Fish Law Firm were everywhere.

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